G4 Live Expo

Join the top-rated industry professionals at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center as they share the industry’s latest offerings and newest concepts. Exhibitor space is available for G4 Live!

Cloverleaf University

Budtender Awards partnered with Clover Leaf University to offer education programs for Budtenders as well anyone looking to learn more about the cannabis industry.

About Cloverleaf University

Founded in 2009 in Denver, Colorado, Clover Leaf University is the first accredited university specializing in phytotechnology to be approved, regulated and licensed by the Colorado Department of Higher Education’s Private Occupational School Board. CLU provides the highest quality industry training and the most comprehensive curriculum available today. Clover Leaf Universities faculty includes the industry’s top-level executives, professionals, attorneys, instructors, cultivators, manufacturers and industry leaders from all over the world.

Career Bootcamp

Take your cannabis and hemp career to the next level with our Clover Leaf Career Bootcamp with Chloe Villano! There are so many opportunities in this industry and it is the fastest growing industry in America! Learn the business opportunities that you can strive for as the cannabis industry is the fastest growing industry in America! Don’t just work your regular job, build your career! This workshop will teach you how.
FREE (Must register to attend)

Dispensary Management Certification

Take your cannabis business to the next level by learning how to become a dispensary manager! Learn how to develop and implement standard operating procedures for both management and staff. Cannabis business compliance and strict record-keeping will be demonstrated. Learn how to encourage sales goals and product development to make the most of your operations. Develop your dispensary and warehouse staff into happy, productive, operational, and sales machines. The course will provide training in operational activities, sales procedures, customer service, marketing tools, seed to sale tracking procedures, and public relations. This four-hour course comes with your CLU Dispensary Management Certification.

What we do

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Veroeros quis lorem

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Urna quis bibendum

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Aliquam urna dapibus

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Get in touch

Phasellus convallis elit id ullamcorper pulvinar. Duis aliquam turpis mauris, eu ultricies erat malesuada quis. Aliquam dapibus, lacus eget hendrerit bibendum, urna est aliquam sem, sit amet imperdiet est velit quis lorem.